Monday, December 3, 2012

Space Opera: In class writing assignment

David is a 17 year old kid on the planet Kahooi. He is just finishing up his basic schooling and wants to join the voyage space academy as soon as he turns 18. This is unlikly however because his father is expecting him to take on more responsibility in the "family business." His family is a sort of mafia. They control most of the crime and illegal activities on Kahooi. David is very upset by the fact that he will not be allowed to join the voyage space academy and decides to go visit the neighboring planet Potar with his friends (who are also a part of the mafia) to blow off some steam. David is not supposed to visit Potar because it is the home of a rivalry mafia family that would certainly kill David if they realized he was on their territory. He goes to a party being held by the rivalry family on a space yacht ship. This is a costume party (some sort of weird mask technology that actually changes your facial appearance). He meets a girl there and she turns out to be the daughter of the rival family's leader. David ends up kissing her that night and they are of course in love. They continue seeing each other despite the deadly rivalry between their families. At this point in time that the story is set in there are actually businesses who will kill people who want to commit suicide but don't want to do it themselves. Kari fakes her death so that she will be able to be with David. You know the rest....

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